
Spotlight On Success: CaroMont Health Embraces High Reliability



everal years ago, CaroMont Health embarked on a journey toward high reliability, seeking to incorporate

the principles of safety culture and Robust Process Improvement® throughout its entire enterprise. “Our board and senior leadership had read landmark articles by Drs.

Mark Chassin [MD] and Jerod Loeb [PhD]1,2, which made a compelling case for a safety-focused culture that anticipates and prevents errors,” says Todd R. Davis, MD, vice president of medical affairs, quality and patient safety officer for

CaroMont Health. “In discussing these articles, it became

clear that pursuing high reliability was the right thing to do for our patients.”

Organization Facts: Located in Gastonia, North Carolina, CaroMont Health is an independent, non- profit, community health system comprised of a 435- bed hospital along with clinics, physician offices, long term care facilities, hospice, ambulatory surgery centers, and diagnostic services.

Project Description: CaroMont Health is working to become a highly reliable organization, establishing a culture of safety and Robust Process Improvement throughout all its settings.

Outcomes: Since beginning this initiative, the organization has seen a drop in patient mortality, enhanced staff satisfaction, and fewer preventable safety events. The health system is continuing to strive for greater reliability, relying on leadership commitment and staff involvement to drive success.

Assessing the Current State

Early in its journey, CaroMont wanted to get a full understanding of its culture and any areas that needed attention. “The Chassin and Loeb articles* speak of an organizational self-assessment, and we decided to use this tool to get a sense of our existing environment and where we needed to improve,” says Bonnie Faust, vice president, Patient Care Services, chief nursing officer for CaroMont Health. “We had more than 150 people complete the



The following committees and councils oversee performance improvement at CaroMont Health:

(continued on page 18)

Figure 1. CaroMont Health Performance Improvement Plan (continued)


(Appendix A)

Clinical Practice Guidelines

The selection and implementation of clinical practice guidelines is designed to help practitioners improve the quality of care by building systems and processes designed to reduce errors and support CaroMont’s goal to become a High Reliable Organization (HRO).

Sources of clinical practice guidelines may include:

  1. Professional Societies

  2. Regulatory Agencies

  3. Nationally recognized organizations such as the IHI and AHRQ.

Methods for Assessing Performance

At the foundation of CaroMont Health’s commitment to become a HRO is the assessment of performance. To monitor the effectiveness and progress of advancing toward high reliability the Board of Directors, Senior Leaders, and Physician and Clinical Leaders will annually review CaroMont’s development in relation to the organizational maturity within the following domains:

  1. Leadership

  2. Culture of Safety

  3. Process Improvement

CaroMont will use the findings of the review to develop specific goals, then design and measure, and continually reassess outcomes and comparative data to improve and enhance performance.

System Metrics

Clinical and administrative leadership will identify system metrics that measure the following:

  1. Adverse events

  2. Clinical outcomes

  3. Effectiveness of all operational systems

  4. Patient and family experience

  5. Safety and reliability

    Performance Improvement Methodology

    The foundation of CaroMont’s approach to clinical and organizational improvement is a collaborative and robust Lean Six Sigma model. The tools of Lean and Six Sigma provide a systematic process to uncover the specific threats to safety and process failures. This structured approach is founded upon the principles of Plan-Do-Study-Act.

    A3 Thinking is a proven and powerful means of aligning both Lean and Six Sigma. This technique provides a consistent reporting mechanism for root-cause problem solving, progress updates, and monitoring and sustaining world class results. (Appendix B, C)

    Change management is critical and leadership’s role as a cultural enabler is to encourage and empower employees in “relentlessly striving for the goal of zero patient harm”.

    (continued on page 19)

    Figure 1. CaroMont Health Performance Improvement Plan (continued)


    Appendix A

    Oversight Committees and Councils

    The Board of Directors commits CaroMont to a culture of safety and high reliability. Its members have ultimate oversight of all the performance improvement activities and results throughout the organization. The Governing Board holds senior leadership and clinicians accountable to continually reduce harm and improve performance.

    The Board Quality and Safety Committee ensures quality and safety is an integral component of the governance and management processes of the organization by reviewing and reporting CaroMont’s safety and quality results to the Governing Board. The Board Quality and Safety Committee evaluate and recommend system priorities to CaroMont clinical and administrative leadership to support the mission and strategic plan. The membership of the committee includes four members of the Governing Board, four senior medical staff members and four senior administrative leaders.

    The Medical Executive Committee (MEC) assures the highest level of safe and quality care is provided, and reports to the Board Quality and Safety Committee. The MEC oversees all clinical care and supporting processes throughout the organization. The MEC reviews findings, activities, and opportunities for improvement in organization-wide functions, processes and outcomes. It provides oversight to all medical staff committees including Credentials, Peer Review, Grievance, the clinical function of Service Lines, and the clinical service contracts.

    The Performance Improvement Council supports all organization efforts of safety, quality, and performance improvement and reports to the MEC. The PI Council ensures clinical practice guidelines and evidence based care are implemented to reduce harm and generate better patient outcomes. The PI Council helps identify priorities and system vulnerabilities and evaluate the effectiveness of improvement initiatives for Service Lines and Clinical Divisions to focus on. As patient care is a team obligation and the responsibility of every person working at CaroMont Health, the PI Council membership includes clinical and administrative leaders, and at least one community member.

    (continued on page 20)

    Figure 1. CaroMont Health Performance Improvement Plan (continued)


    Appendix B

    Lean Six Sigma Approach


    Appendix C

    Key Concepts

(continued on page 21)

Figure 1. CaroMont Health Performance Improvement Plan (continued)


A3 Template
