Most commonly cited standard across all programs!

Compliance Checklist for EM.03.01.03

A self-assessment tool to help you track your emergency exercise compliance


oint Commission Standard EM.03.01.03 requires organiza- tions to conduct regular emergency exercises that fully evalu- ate their Emergency Operations (Management) Plans—

verifying appropriateness, adequacy, and effectiveness. Historical- ly, organizations across all programs struggle to meet this standard’s requirements—and for the first half of 2014, it has the highest percentage of noncompliance of any Joint Commission standard.

The following checklist distills the EPs in this standard. It’s de- signed to help your organization improve how it tracks emergency exercises and how it evaluates performance on those exercises. You can use it to verify compliance and guide how you conduct your emergency exercises.

Key: The tasks on the left apply universally to all settings,

unless otherwise indicated in parentheses after the task description.

Download this tool at:



In Progress

Completion Date



In Progress

Completion Date

Before the Drill

During the Drill

Drill Timing


Conduct an Emergency Operations Plan/Emergency Management Plan exercise twice per year (AHC, CAH, HAP, LAB, NCC) [Note: Actual emergencies can take the place of emergency exercises.]

Review and verify internal communication

Staff communication

Patient communication

Content is clear and appropriate

Conduct an Emergency Operations Plan/Emergency Management Plan exercise once per year (BHC, OBS, OME)

Review and verify external communication


Contracted providers

Drill Characteristics

Other health care organizations

Address likely disasters, such as those outlined in the hazard vulnerability analysis

County emergency operations

Local government

Stress organization preparedness limits to uncover potential gaps


Local public health department

Include an influx of simulated patients in at least one

exercise (AHC, CAH, HAP, OBS)

Fire department

Resources and Assets

In at least one exercise, include an escalating event in which the local community cannot support the health care organization (CAH, HAP)

Monitor how the organization allocates and mobilizes


Monitor how the organization allocates and mobilizes supplies, medical and nonmedical, including personal protective equipment

Include communitywide drill participation in at least one exercise (CAH, HAP)

Do not use tabletop drills, except when simulating the

community portion of an escalating drill

Monitor how the organization allocates and mobilizes


Drill Responsibility

Safety and Security

Assign one person to monitor and document drill

performance and improvement opportunities

Name: Title:

Verify that security is appropriate and in place, internally

and externally

Conduct rounds, if possible, noting safety hazards


Confirm that there are unambiguous staff roles and responsibilities, including for licensed independent practitioners

Confirm that staff, including licensed independent practitioners, understand and can fulfill their roles and responsibilities

Make sure that the individual is knowledgeable the exercise’s goals and expectations

(continued on page 11)

Compliance Checklist for EM.03.01.03 (continued from page 10)



In Progress

Completion Date



In Progress

Completion Date


Seek input from staff involved in the exercise about what went well and what might be potential improvement areas

Check that utilities are functioning properly

Check that staff understand and can execute

emergency shut-down procedures

Document deficiencies and improvement opportunities

Patient Care

Share deficiencies with the environment of care

improvement team

Make sure clinical activities continue and are not compromised

Create a plan to address any deficiencies before the

next drill

Make sure support activities continue and are not compromised

Ensure that interim measures are in place until the

deficiency is resolved

After the Drill


Respond to problematic issues identified in the exercise

Evaluate the drill using a multidisciplinary process (including physicians)

Make any necessary modifications to the Emergency

Operations Plan/Emergency Management Plan
