Category: CAT-rtn_1604April

  • RTN1604_B3_SEA56 – Detecting and Treating Suicide

    •PR: Sentinel Event Alert: New Alert Focuses on Suicide Ideation (PDF) [REF: AOM, MD, SC] Perspectives April 2016, Vol 36, #4, Pg 12 JCp1604_B3 The complete Sentinel Event Alert 56: Detecting and treating suicide ideation in all settings was released on February 24, 2016 and is provided in this article. This new alert replaces two…

  • RTN1604_B4_OSHA Workplace Violence Reduction

    * EC: OSHA & Worker Safety: Assault Halt OSHA and The Joint Commission offer guidance and resources to curb workplace violence (PDF) [REF: EC, LD, RN] EC News, April 2016, Vol 19, #4, Pg 5 JCe1604_B4 This article essentially makes 3 key points. #1 – “Every health care organization is at risk for occupational violence…

  • RTN1604_B5_EC Toolbox – EM Documentation Checklist

    * EC: EC Toolbox: Emergency Management and Life Safety documentation checklist (PDF) [REF: EC, SC, Tool] EC News, April 2016, Vol 19, #4, Pg 8 JCe1604_B5 Similar to the January EC Toolbox that focused on EC documentation, this article provides a [Pearl] tool/checklist of the 22 (17 EM and 5 LS) elements of performance in…