RTN1602_B3_Columbia-Suicide Severity Rating Scale (C-SSRS)
*TS: Vital Signs: The Columbia-Suicide Severity Rating Scale (PDF/QV) [REF: AOM, MD, Psy, RN, SW, Tool] The Source, February 2016, Vol 14, #2, Pg 4 JCs1602_B3 The Joint Commission is usually quite careful and conservative about appearing to provide endorsements. However, in this article, there is fairly clear support being expressed for the use of the…
RTN1602_B4_NPSF-Free From Harm
*TS: Perspectives on Patient Safety: National Patient Safety Foundation Examines Patient Safety Progress since To Err is Human (PDF/QV) [REF: LDR/GB] The Source, February 2016, Vol 14, #2, Pg 9 JCs1602_B4 NPSF has recently published Free from Harm: Accelerating Patient Safety Improvement Fifteen Years After as a follow-up report on To Err Is Human: Building a…
RTN1602_B5_Life Safety Building Tour
* EC: Tips for Succeeding During a Life Safety Building Tour (PDF/QV)[REF: EC, SC] EC News, February 2016, Vol 19, #1, Pg 5 JCe1602_B5 Here the author provides a brief series of 5 tips starting with making sure your Life Safety Drawings are up to date… an important first impression. Other tips included having a solid…