RTN1509_B6_LSC Survey Process Clarification
* EC: Clarifications and Expectations: Living Better in the Built Environment (PDF/QV) [REF: EC] EC News, September 2015, Vol 18, #9, Pg 7 JCe1509_B6 The focus for this month’s C&E column is a small selection of 5 standards and a few of their EPs “that help ensure a higher standard of living and safety in…
RTN1509_B7_LSC Survey Process/Document List & Review Tool
* EC: – Survey Process Clarifications Issued for Life Safety and Environment of Care (PDF/QV) [REF: EC] EC News, September 2015, Vol 18, #9, Pg 7 JCe1509_B7 Heads up! There have been some changes in the Life Safety Survey Agenda. This article provides a 2-Day sample agenda. It also makes us aware that from now…
Act: Activity/Occ Therapy, Rehab, CHP: Chaplain, C&P: Credentialing & Privileging, EOC: Environment of Care/Engineering & Maint, FB: Finance/Business, FdDt: Food services/Dietary, GB: Gov Body, HR: Human Resources/Personnel, HST: Human Service Tech/Aid, IC: Infection Control, IM: Info Mgt/Med Records, IT: Info Technology, JCSC: Jt Com Survey Coordinator, LDR: Leadership/Mgt, MD: Medical Director/Medical Staff, PI: Performance/Quality Improvement…