RTN1505_B6_Top EC and LS Citations
* EC: Top Standards Compliance Data for 2014: EC and LS trouble spots show up for many settings (PDF/QV) [REF: EOC, JCSC] EC News, May 2015, Vol 18, #5, Pg 5 JCe1501_B6 Roughly one third to one half of general hospitals surveyed by TJC in 2014 were cited on some number of the following 9 standards…
RTN1505_B7_EC.04.01.01-Environmental Tours
* EC: Take a Walk-Through: Make an environmental tour part of your spring cleaning (PDF/QV) [REF: EOC, JCSC, LDR] EC News, May 2015, Vol 18, #5, Pg 9 JCe1501_B7 The need to perform Environmental Tours is supported by EC.02.01.01 and EC.04.01.03, but specifically required by EC.04.01.01. It is required annually in non-patient areas (business occupancies)…
Act: Activity/Occ Therapy, Rehab, CHP: Chaplain, C&P: Credentialing & Privileging, EOC: Environment of Care/Engineering & Maint, FB: Finance/Business, FdDt: Food services/Dietary, GB: Gov Body, HR: Human Resources/Personnel, HST: Human Service Tech/Aid, IC: Infection Control, IM: Info Mgt/Med Records, IT: Info Technology, JCSC: Jt Com Survey Coordinator, LDR: Leadership/Mgt, MD: Medical Director/Medical Staff, PI: Performance/Quality Improvement…