RTN1402_B3_IM.02.02.01 – Prohibited Abbreviations
*TS: 5 Sure-Fire Methods: Effectively Manage the Collection of Health Information[®] [Pearl: IM, MD, RN] The Source, February 2014, Vol 12, #2, Pg 2 JCs1402 Pearl: When two or more instances of prohibited abbreviations are found, it will result in an RFI under standard IM.02.02.01 (previously NPSG.02.02.01). This is the most common citation for this standard. In…
RTN1402_B4_Tracer – BHC Screening & Assessment
*TS:Tracer Methodology 101: Screenings and Assessments in the Behavioral Health Care Setting[®] [REF: BHC, JCSC, MD, RN] The Source, February 2014, Vol 12, #2, Pg 7 JCs1402_B4 Although this month’s tracer installment utilizes a residential mental health treatment program setting, the 7-question scenario is also relevant to hospitals. The article also provides a brief overview of the…
RTN1402_B5_Social Media Communication
* EC: A Tweet in Time: How two hospitals used social media to instantly update communicators and the community after a fertilizer factory explosion[®] [REF: EOC, JCSC, LDR, IT] EC News, February 2014, Vol 17, #2, Pg 1 This showcase article shares an example of hospitals using Facebook and Twitter “to instantly and efficiently disseminate…